Article, 07.01.2020

And what does New Work mean to you?

No words allowed, only play dough. That’s how we attempted to answer the question of questions: What is New Work? Instead of overthinking, we let intuition and creativity take over. And the answers we got! Lengthy definitions made room for inspiring pieces of art that triggered exactly the kind of curious discussions New Work needs. We admit, a couple of words were necessary. But only to ask questions and encourage dialogue.

Whether we choose words or play dough, to us, New Work stands for: purpose, a sense of comfort, wellbeing, passion, freedom, metamorphosis, a new start, fun, a shared identity, a feeling of home, the bigger picture and so much more. But above all: happy employees that come to work with Joy. Every day.

So awaken your inner child, get out that play dough and share with us what New Work means to you:

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